Five of my Favorite Bullet Journaling Supplies
/Five of my favorite supplies for Bullet Journaling!
Read MoreFive of my favorite supplies for Bullet Journaling!
Read MoreI’ve reached 700 followers on Twitter, and to celebrate I’m doing a small giveaway. Two of the most popular topics of my posts are my Sims 4 stories, and my Bullet Journal or planning posts. To honor that, and the variety of my readers, I’m allowing the winner to choose between two prizes!
You can win either:
A Sims 4 DLC pack of your choice purchased through Origin
A copy of “The Bullet Journal Method” by Ryder Carroll. Ryder designed the time management system. It is an excellent read for anyone who values time and is trying to live more intentionally.
Thank you for reading & following!
Last week I introduced you to a technique I am using to work on my relationship with time for the purposes of mental health and self care. You can check that first post out here:
Here’s the completed version of last week’s spread:
It looks like I was pretty negligent on my hobbies, so I need to aim for a bit more balance. I ended up adding things to my weekly to-do list, but I checked off more than I thought I would. So, I’ve made a few more slots on the list, but left some of them blank to be filled in over the next couple days. I met my goals for steps, level up life and page views, so I can up my expectations on those a bit. It seems my EBT skills (the graph) drop off on Thursday/Friday which is something to be mindful of.
Overall, I think last week’s layout worked pretty well. I didn’t use the schedule area (Sun, Mon, etc… beneath the calendar) so I shrunk that area and added a larger sticker. I added an “email” goal bar as I’m trying to clean out my inbox.
I shortened the Self Care area, as I had too many goals. I also increased the blog area.
Reduce E-mail Clutter: My inbox is overflowing. This week I want to drop the Google-labeled “important” e-mails from 560 to 510. So handling 50 e-mails.
For my work-based health programs, I plan on walking 52,000 steps this week, doing three sessions of 11 minutes of stretching exercises, taking three mindful walks, getting at least six hours of sleep on five different nights and completing one activity for my Hooswell “Journey”.
In my hobbies, I’d like to spend time playing The Sims, practicing doodling, organizing my Disney pin collection, and working on my next session of Dungeons and Dragons.
For my self care goals this week I’d like to do:
One meditation exercise
3 extra “5 minute pickups” to help with decluttering
Play a game on Steam that is not Civilization
Complete one task for tax preparation
Start keeping track of my water intake in the Fitbit app
I still need to give you a post about the “Level Up Life” app, but my goal in there this week is to earn 300 additional XP.
I’m starting my next class series with EBT from a local provider, so keeping track of my check-ins and joy points (two EBT techniques) has become a priority. I’m hoping to get more of each this week.
I’ve made a more specific list of things I want to achieve this week. In future week’s, I may do each task more than once per week, but for now I’m setting my goal at just once per week and see what happens.
Thank you for being my accountability! ;) What are your goals for this week? Are there any topics/tasks/goals from above that you’d like to hear more about? Let me know in the comments!
A list of things I anticipate seeing in the Sims 4 Journey to Batuu DLC, when I finally get to play it, based on my experiences in Galaxy’s Edge in Walt Disney World.
“Honestly, this post is for me not you, lovely reader. I’m deeply grateful for you being here, and I want you to continue reading. However, I need to warn you that I’m not really trying to convey anything helpful or beneficial for you in this post. This post is to get me writing in an attempt to gain some momentum. I haven’t written in awhile so I challenged myself to write a post today.”
“Last week, I wrote a blog post called The Simmer’s Guide to Batuu to give Simmers who haven’t been to Galaxy’s Edge some context for the pack. The post was well-received, and I’m continuing the idea today with a post dedicated to the food and beverages of Batuu. Many of which seem to be making an appearance in this DLC!”
“If you are someone who is interested in the pack but is unfamiliar with Galaxy’s Edge, or even Star Wars, I am here to help! I’m not trying to convince those who are uninterested in the pack or change anyone’s mind. I just noticed a lot of people had questions about Batuu and how to learn more, and I feel like I could be useful here. A Sims/Disney crossover seemed to fit very well on this blog.”
“The following morning, David headed for the trailhead. He was equipped with a bit of food, a machete, spider repellent, and the flower that was supposed to ward off bees. He didn’t plan on staying long on his first day. He was confident about his abilities, but he also understood his inexperience would leave him naturally unprepared.”
“On a rainy spring day, David arrived in Selvadorada for the first of his expeditions. He rented the cheapest place he could find for three days. He was excited for his new adventure and he knew that with enough effort, he could make a career out of his explorations.”
A personal update and introduction of a new Sims 4 story.
One of my greatest tools for self care and mental health is my Bullet Journal. I tend to keep my Bullet Journal pretty simple, like the original method by Ryder Carroll, with the focus more on planning, goal setting and self-reflection. While I sometimes use washi tape or stickers, or add in the occasional doodle, those only happen when I have time and/or a creative outlet is beneficial for me at that time.
By recording what I expect to do every day and what I actually did on any given day and then comparing the two, I’ve been able to adjust the expectations I have on myself. On a day to day basis, I’m kinder to my self and I’m finding more balance in my life.
I still have time struggles, though, particularly on weekends and with my overall picture of what I am accomplishing on a larger scale. Effectively, my life to-do list is long and ever-growing, even though on a day to day basis I’m forming more reasonable expectations. My therapist has suggested that I start applying the methods I use for day to day on the scale of a week.
Weekly Spreads are a pretty common thing in the Bullet Journal community. I’m trying to keep my new weekly spreads simple while motivating. I’m trying divide my goals by category to help give me an idea of balance. The goals side of my spread involves a lot of self care. I keep a separate work Bullet Journal as I have a 40hr/week job that has plenty of responsibilities and such to keep track of.
The idea is that when I go to create my new weekly spread, I review the old one. If I didn’t finish a group of goals or tasks, I try reducing the amount a bit or relocating things that are less important to the monthly list. For things that I did well in and can push myself to do more (steps, sleep, etc…), I’ll increase the amount or add more tasks.
This week I have some to-do list tasks plus a variety of goals. I have health goals for the programs at my workplace that I participate in. I created a list of self care tasks based upon the self care categories I recently identified in my research (post about this coming soon). I think the list might be a bit too long, but there were 9 categories and I couldn’t choose. I’ll see how many I get done and adjust accordingly.
Level Up Life is an app that awards you XP (experience points and stats, like a roleplaying game) for completing various activities to improve your life. I increased my XP goal for this week based on what I earned last week. However, on Sunday I purchased a plant for my home which corresponded to a significant XP gain. So, I’ve already completed my weekly goal!
I have a list of blog tasks I need to complete, and I’m going to try to check off three of them this week. In addition to this post, I have 3 more in the works (categories of self care, day zero of our WDW vacation, and a Sims post). I’m also tracking a stat for the first time in awhile.
What are your goals for the week? Do you use a weekly spread?
A list of things I anticipate seeing in the Sims 4 Journey to Batuu DLC, when I finally get to play it, based on my experiences in Galaxy’s Edge in Walt Disney World.
“Honestly, this post is for me not you, lovely reader. I’m deeply grateful for you being here, and I want you to continue reading. However, I need to warn you that I’m not really trying to convey anything helpful or beneficial for you in this post. This post is to get me writing in an attempt to gain some momentum. I haven’t written in awhile so I challenged myself to write a post today.”
“Last week, I wrote a blog post called The Simmer’s Guide to Batuu to give Simmers who haven’t been to Galaxy’s Edge some context for the pack. The post was well-received, and I’m continuing the idea today with a post dedicated to the food and beverages of Batuu. Many of which seem to be making an appearance in this DLC!”
“If you are someone who is interested in the pack but is unfamiliar with Galaxy’s Edge, or even Star Wars, I am here to help! I’m not trying to convince those who are uninterested in the pack or change anyone’s mind. I just noticed a lot of people had questions about Batuu and how to learn more, and I feel like I could be useful here. A Sims/Disney crossover seemed to fit very well on this blog.”
“The following morning, David headed for the trailhead. He was equipped with a bit of food, a machete, spider repellent, and the flower that was supposed to ward off bees. He didn’t plan on staying long on his first day. He was confident about his abilities, but he also understood his inexperience would leave him naturally unprepared.”
“On a rainy spring day, David arrived in Selvadorada for the first of his expeditions. He rented the cheapest place he could find for three days. He was excited for his new adventure and he knew that with enough effort, he could make a career out of his explorations.”
A personal update and introduction of a new Sims 4 story.
A short review of Mrs. Brimble’s Advent Calendar with washi tape!
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Learning about Tapirs using Planet Zoo!