Sims 4 Stories: David's Jungle Adventure 1.2- Into the Jungle!
/For background on this series go here:
Part one of this story:
David begins his exploration of the jungle at the Belomisia Trailhead.
The following morning, David headed for the trailhead. He was equipped with a bit of food, a machete, spider repellent, and the flower that was supposed to ward off bees. He didn’t plan on staying long on his first day. He was confident about his abilities, but he also understood his inexperience would leave him naturally unprepared.
David sometimes had to machete his way through the Belomisia Jungle as thick vines blocked some of the paths.
He found the entrance to the ruins, but they were completely obscured by vines and other plant life. He had to use his machete to slowly work his way through. At one point, he dropped his bag into some quicksand and lost some of his possessions. Eventually, he made his way to the first clearing.
The area was beautiful, full of lush growth and the ruins of ancient structures. He investigated a small tree in the clearing and discovered it was an avocado tree! He plucked a fruit to bring home with him.
David does some excavating of ancient artifacts and treasures.
He decided to investigate another vine-covered path and again battled through it with his machete. At one point he encountered some very suspicious-looking statues centered around some stonework on the ground. He suspected these statues might throw flames, or something, at him. His gut told them they were dangerous. He knew he wasn’t particularly good with his hands and was doubtful he’d be able to disable them, so he went the long way around. He promised himself that he’d work on improving some of his skills before his next expedition.
He found another clearing with several sites for potential archaeological excavation. He spent the remainder of the afternoon carefully excavating a few items of potential interest: a statue, a skull, a fossil and a lump of dirt that felt like there was something interesting underneath, but he would need better tools not to damage it. He carefully placed everything in his pack.
David is attacked by bees but distracts them with a flower.
At one point, he was assaulted by a swarm of angry bees! He had a momentary feeling of panic until he remembered the flower he had purchased. He waved the flower around in the air and the bees began to follow it. He tossed it aside and the bees went along with it. Whew! He hoped to find another flower to purchase at the marketplace.
He wasn’t prepared to stay the evening at the ruins just yet, so he headed back to town. Before returning to the place he was renting, he stopped at the bar to get something to eat. He grabbed some fish tacos and chatted with the locals some more. He returned to his place a bit late. He tried to call his grandfather to check-in, but the conversation didn’t go well since Oscar was already in bed and a bit annoyed he called so late.
The following morning he woke up to spiders in his bed! He used the spider repellent to drive them away, but there was no going back to sleep after that. His skin was crawling and his stomach felt queasy. He headed to the marketplace to purchase some new supplies. Hoping to get some more spider repellent.
David crosses a rope bridge over a chasm.
After making his purchases, he headed back into the jungle. He went back to the sites he had already been to for additional excavation. He moved a bit further into the jungle, but not much. He found a rope bridge crossing a chasm near a waterfall and crossed it very carefully. The view was stunning! He did a bit more excavation. He also found a tree he did not recognize with strange fruit. He harvested some and planned to identify them later. They appeared to be berries of some sort.
Close to the evening, he was attacked by another spider. He had no repellant as the marketplace had been out and he ended up getting bit before he could brush them away. Shortly after the bite, he started not to feel very well. He had seen the warnings about venomous creatures before entering the trail and Manuela, the flirtatious marketplace vendor, had warned him as well. He decided to head back to town to get some sleep.
David was bit by a venomous spider!
By the time he got back, he really wasn’t feeling very well at all. He stopped by the bar and talked to Manuela about a possible antidote. Unfortunately, he had not come across the ingredients to make the antidote and she said there weren't any available in town. He decided to go back home and sleep it off and hope for the best. He was young and strong...he’d be fine, right?
We’ll find out in the next post if David survives!
Bonus Cat Photo:
I just really enjoyed this Selvadoradian cat taking a nap.
Extra Screenshots!
As usual, I have way too many screenshots. I wanted to include them all, but I didn’t want this post to take forever to load, so below is a carousel of photos you can scroll if you’d like.
Jungle Adventure Checklist
Master the Archaeology Skill (Update: Level 3 of 10)
Access all parts of the map? (I’m not sure how to quantify this. I expected the “?”s to change on the map and they didn’t…so?)
Learn about Selvadoridian Culture (Update: Level 3 of 5)
Complete the Jungle Explorer Aspiration (Update: Level 1 )
Complete the Archaeology Scholar Aspiration
Befriend a skeleton
Listen to Latin Pop music
Listen to Traditional Latin
Find avocados, black beans, and the other mysterious harvestable (maybe grow these things?) (Update: found avocados and mysterious fruit)
Make the new recipes
Experience the new death type
Use the new lot traits
Complete the two new collections & display them on the new display
Decorate my home using the build/buy items from this pack
Catch the three new fish
Learn the new dance moves
A list of things I anticipate seeing in the Sims 4 Journey to Batuu DLC, when I finally get to play it, based on my experiences in Galaxy’s Edge in Walt Disney World.