New Section! Bullet Journaling!
/My latest obsession: Bullet Journaling!
My Bullet Journal is one of my new favorite things for so many reasons. In fact, it is right up there with "Cats" "Disney" and "The Sims", which is why it is getting it's very own section of the blog. Sure, my husband would be up there too, but I don't think he'd appreciate me writing a blog about him, LOL.
One of my first spreads from right after I started journaling.
Bullet Journaling not only has provided me with a fun new hobby that is away from the computer screen and lets me express myself creatively, but it also has played a critical role helping getting my anxiety under control. I will go into more detail in future posts, but a BuJo can help you prioritize what is important, help you track your habits, gives you the comfort of finding everything you need in one place (calendar, to-do lists, meal plans, wishlists, journaling space, doodling space, memories) and gives you a place to play with stickers, washi tape, and awesome pens (if you want to). My favorite aspect is that it is ever changing and evolving. Unlike a traditional planner, where you are confined to a specific system and setup. BuJo's let you add, subtract and alter what you have in it based on your life, needs, time, goals, etc.... You can try out new Bujo tools, but then ditch them if they don't work for you. You can also design and tweak tools until they fit you. It's super fun for someone who likes to plan, but you can also keep it super simple, functional, and totally on white paper with a black pen. All kinds of people use bullet journals from stay at home parents to engineers. It's completely customizable to your life.
The best place to start learning about Bullet Journal is from its founder, Ryder. Who created a video that describes it beautifully: