August Setup
/For August, I switched things around quiet a bit. July's layout didn't work for me. There were too many different pages, too many trackers, and I was starting to judge myself to harshly with the CLC.
I simplified my layout for August. Well, sort of....I have two very intense spreads, but that's it. I condensed all of my recurring tasks into either the tracker spread, or added them to the monthly calendar.
Simple cover page. My theme this month is summer foods and picnics.
On the left is my monthly calendar. The red items are planned events, the blue are recurring tasks that I plan to add to my daily task on that day. These are items I do less than 4 times a week. More than that, and it goes on the tracker. Yes, it's a bit more crammed than expected. If this style works, I'll probably use abbreviations or symbols with a key.
On the right, you see my goals for the month, and the beginning of my task list. Goals are more of the things I'd like to do, and tasks are the things that should be done.
And finally we have the tracker. While many of these items are tasks that need to be completed almost daily, a lot of these are simply measurements. Particularly the bottom, where I track things that happen multiple times a day or for specific quantities a day (like yoga or hula-hooping).
And that is it for monthly pages. I'm also going to attempt to forgo weeklies again.
And here is the first daily of the month!
What does your monthly layout have this month?