August Update
/ Crazy Cat NerdIn case you missed it, here is what happened on the wesbite in July:
I added a post about my August Set-up to the Bullet Journal Blog.
I failed to make any new posts about Cats, sadly. I should fix that soon. If there is anything you'd like to hear about, please leave a comment.
I did an article about Choosing an Agent for my WDW planning section. There will be no shortage of Disney posts in the future since we are less than 180 from our next trip!!!
I had four posts about Edith (If my Sim had a Bullet Journal) and one about the Misfortune Legacy.
There are two new sections to checkout as well under "Everything Else I Love".
The Chattering and Blathering blog where I can ramble about random things and my life.
And the Screenshot Let's Play blog for all my non-Sims Let's Plays.
The above two do not have RSS links posted yet, but I will do that shortly.