Tales from RimWorld & RSS Feed Update
/Just a couple of quick updates on the site. I've been posting the story from my first play through of the game "RimWorld"...The game has been described as a combination of Dwarf Fortress, Prison Architect and Firefly. It uses an AI storyteller device to create events, so every story is different (therefore, no spoilers!). I've been sharing the story of my first colony, and I have NO idea (or control over) where this is going. Here's part one: http://www.crazycatnerd.com/everythingelse/2016/8/8/tales-from-a-rimworld-part-1
Additionally, the wrong slug was listed on the first RSS Feed link to "Everything Else". It has been corrected, so you may need to update your RSS feed by clicking the link on the right sidebar.