Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 28 (Saturday)

It's a day off for Edith! She is hoping to spend sometime with her boyfriend and her good friends today.

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Edith had a weird dream.

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She dreamed a vampire crept into her bedroom while she was still asleep.

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He hypnotized her, and made her walk into her office (why she has no idea).

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He bit into her neck and then disappeared.

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Leaving her passed out on the floor.

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Edith awoke a bit groggy, but didn't think anything more about her dream. She met the Avant Gardes for a group hangout at their favorite coffee shop.

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They chatted in the main area while everyone ordered their drinks, and then dispersed.

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Edith and Gunther went into the club room- a private room in the back of the shop designed for the meeting of clubs.

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Yuki joined them. They read, and chatted about what they were reading. A nice pleasant afternoon.

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In the evening, Edith gave Anaya a call to see if she wanted to do dinner together.

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She was game, and they met at a restaurant.

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They had a wonderful time talking over dinner and drinks. It was nice to some one-on-one time with such a close friend.

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After dinner, they ordered a chocolate cake. Why not?


Edith is now entering the middle portion of her young adult life. It's time to make some changes to the Bujo and reevaluate our goals. I'll be adding extra collections to this slowly over time.


So far, other then the cover page, we've setup a section to record memories, and we've begun a level 10 life spread.


Here's Sunday's plan.