Edith's Bullet Journal: Day 27 (Friday)

Work was on Edith's agenda for the day, but she has tomorrow off. Edith has been happy with her work situation but feels she needs to publish more works on her own in the future.

In this photo, you can see the list of royalties she is receiving for her book so far.

After work, Edith was surprised by a visit from Paolo and Gunther. Edith (and I) love how the two most important men in her life, at present, are becoming friends. In this photo, I feel like Gunther also wants to be in on the hug. Gunther would like to as the Sims 4 team at EA to add adult group hugs.

Why do we bother with the meal planning, Edith? She was supposed to have pan-fried tilapia tonight, but instead with have this meatball. And she ended up not even liking the meatball. Made it'd taste better if she got the gross half-eaten oatmeal off the table?

Okay, Edith, my dear. Let's add "clean the apartment" to our daily spread for tomorrow, k?

I'm not certain if this is a reaction to the meatball or the apartment cleaning plan.

Here's a stalker-like photo...peering into Edith's office. She's typing to her new penpal, and swearing at her neighbors because they are being too noisy again.

Pleasant dreams, Edith.

I'd love to hear your ideas about Edith's spread! Do you want to see more? A more detailed daily log? More journaling? Let me know!