My top three favorite games are the Civilization series, the Sim series, and Stardew Valley! It's relaxing, adorable, and like Harvest Moon, but for the PC! Actually, I find it way more fun than Harvest Moon. I simply adore this game. I've played it several times, but I've never managed to complete everything. It has quite a bit of replay-ability.
I've made a spreadsheet (of course!) to help me check off all the things I could possibly do in the game, and I've been keeping a daily score. This blog series will be a walk through of that game save. The game is played in "days" that last about 15 to 30 minutes of real time, depending on how often you pause to view your inventory. Each of these blog posts will be a day, since it is a convenient chunk of time to play for. Some days may have a lot of screenshots, but others will have very few. Comments, questions, requests, etc...are all highly encouraged in the comments section!
I didn't go through the introduction on this save, because I've seen it quite a few times. However, here is a YouTube video of the introduction posted by someone else. I highly recommend watching it for background. The only different would be the little guy the Lewis and Robyn chat with at the end, would have been replaced with my character, Opi.