Gordon & Salvador #1

Gordon and Salvador are roommates that just moved in together. They share a cute one-story, two-bedroom in Oasis Springs. They barely know each other and each is hoping the other will make a good roommate. Gordon is significantly younger than Salvador.

Gordon & Salvador are roommates in Oasis Springs.

Gordon & Salvador are roommates in Oasis Springs.

Maggie Moyer #13

Maggie met the Caliente sisters at the Lounge. Dina invited Maggie over to hang out one day. Dina is always on the move, both physically and in her career. She's working towards being a chef. Maggie knows a bit less about Nina. She does know that Nina is far less ambitious than her sister and would prefer to take things easy.

Maggie Moyer #12

Maggie started working for a new company when she moved to Willow Creek. Since she began her employment, she has already gotten two promotions. She started as a mailroom technician, and now she's the assistant to the manager. She has a natural talent for business, but she also works hard from home when she can. Maggie's ambition in life is to earn a very comfortable living.

Working at home for a promotion!

Working at home for a promotion!

Maggie Moyer #10

Maggie Moyer has always like the idea of clubs. Since she was a kid, she liked to feel like she was part of a community. She likes being on the "inside" and knowing the latest news about people. Now that she was settled into her new home in Willow Creek, she decided she needed to get involved. She joined the "Good Timers" a club for meeting up at the pub, drinking and playing pub games. 

First club meeting!

First club meeting!

Maggie Moyer #8

Maggie takes fashion very seriously. She has a clean and polished style that is elegantly simple and reserved. One of the first purchases she made for her new home was a washer and dryer, and a hamper for her bedroom. Laundry was a priority! She enjoys wearing a freshly laundry outfit every morning.

New washer and dryer!

New washer and dryer!